Pizza hut in Kulim Giant. We tried out the new pizza - Cruncy Cheesy Pizza with the topping corn flakes on the pizza and 3 types of cheese (Parmesan, Cheddar and Mozzarella cheese). The photo on the table top looks very attractive. However, the actual pizza is small. Nothing special on that pizza.
The spaghetti i cooked were taste much better than this... Haha...
I start to enjoy cooking. It is not as complicated as what i think. It can be very fun and satisfy when others give good comment on it. Today recipe is Bee Hoon Soup. This is the balance Bee Hoon from the fried Bee Hoon. U wanna try? U need to pay me RM5 for each bowl....
This is the most hot and spicy chili source i never ever tried before. It is produced in Kota Kinabalu. Your tears will burst after having it. You mouth will feel like on fire... There is no sense of taste after taking this. I would plan to use this for the brideroom's brothers to taste it on my wedding day.... HAHAHA!!!
"Finally Found Someone~ Brian Adams & Barbra Streisand"
This is the song we picked from 100 songs. This song received good comments in youtube. I personally feel that it is quite romantic and very meaningful of the song title. It should be suitable for my wedding slide show. Hope it can perform well during the night.
Our wedding card provided by Safira Club. Just normal design with standard format. Nothing unique and special. Wedding card just used to pass over the message. Everybody must come to my wedding dinner oh... !!
This is the 2nd times wedding gown selection for the actual wedding day and dinner. I decided to have a try in Penang France Taipei. The design of the wedding gowns are totally different from Butterworth. The shop renovation looks better and grand compare to FT in B'worth. It took me 2 hrs to choose the gown. Finally I chose Red and Light Blue for my wedding dinner and a White gown with red ribbon for my wedding day.